"Fashions fade, style is eternal." -YSL

Homemade Fried Rice

What you need (serves 3-4):
1/3 of a red, green, & yellow pepper, chopped
Some onion, chopped
Carrots, chopped
+ any other veggie you like; if I had it I would have added broccoli or asparagus 
Chicken, cooked & cut into pieces
Bacon, cooked
2 bowls of rice, cooked (white or brown)
3 eggs, mixed
Soy sauce, salt, & pepper 
Prepare your ingredients
Chop all of the vegetables & keep together
Saute your vegetables in a pan with some olive oil. Add some water to steam them. 
Cook the chicken, rice, & bacon simultaneously. Mix the eggs in a smaller bowl & add a little bit of salt & pepper for taste.  
Make sure all chicken and bacon are cooked through. Take off heat and cut into smaller pieces.
Combine the rice, vegetables, chicken, & bacon in a large pan (I used a wok. Fancy, huh?). Use a spatula or wooden spoon to thoroughly mix all of the ingredients with the burner on medium heat. Stir quickly so rice doesn't burn. Move ingredients to one side of the pan & add the eggs. Start stirring with the rest of the combination as they should cook right when they hit the pan. Keep stirring the mixture around until the eggs are thoroughly cooked through the rice & it doesn't appear runny anymore. 
Add soy sauce & enjoy! 

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